Friday, December 2, 2011


There are people out in the world, whose sole purpose in life is to hurt others. I know that sounds like a grim start to this Blog entry, but the fact of the matter is that it is true. There are people who want to see others unhappy all the time. They feed off the hurt and anger and desperation of others, so much in fact that they seemingly get a high from it and seek it no matter the detriment that it may cause to others. These people are in our world to do the devils work, and they are good at their jobs. They are excellent at it. But we, as Gods people, must learn to bloom all year round because it becomes to painful to hold back the good within us.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
-Anais Nin

God sees the abundance of joy and laughter that you want to spread, and he's not asking you to wait and share it. He's telling you to go ahead and spread this. Especially in this day and age. This world could use a little happiness right now. No matter how minuscule your role in life may seem to be it is necessary in the grand design. You may have allowed someone to convince you that what you do, and who you are doesn't matter, but don't allow that muddy water to track into your mind because it will cloud and distort the visions that God places into your heart and mind.

You yourself may be your own worse enemy. You may have convinced yourself of failure. Good intentions are almost always corrupted by fears. But Fear Not, because God is with You. He always is.

My point in its entirety is that whether it be you, or an enemy who is stopping you from your path toward divinity, take a moment to think about who it is and what their real goals are in your life. Soak in the joy and the plan that God originally set for you and Open up your heart to the truth behind your existence. And everyday for the rest of your life, you will BLOSSOM.

Find Peace and Be Blessed,

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