Saturday, July 10, 2010


Assuming that everyone wasn't raised by a mother that taught them the "Golden Rule" I will give some people the benefit of the doubt. I'll excuse a couple of people for their ridiculous, outlandish, inhumane behavior. Some people are just not capable of respecting others and sometimes I understand. Sometimes you run across something that is altogether too unreal and too disgusting to even attempt to RESPECT. Notice though that I did say "thing." I would personally never disrespect a fellow human being (at least not on purpose) It's that beautiful Golden Rule that has held me back from the organized chaos that is so many other peoples lives. Respect on the road, respect in the church, respect in the class, respect in the home...No matter where I am, I'll respect you as long as you give me the same courtesy.
I wasn't raised in a world where you could walk on somebodies heels and not even notice that you were invading personal space. Nor was I raised in a world where cursing somebody out became daily routine. I was however raised in a hood where people were disrespected all the time. But to me and my perfect little Utopian world, RESPECT had a natural presence. I don't know, maybe it's because I had this perfect view of the world and human nature. Lately I've been so let down by some of the pigheaded things one human could do and say to another. My perfect little naturally respectful world is crumbling into pieces.
Today I had a conversation with someone very close to me about the gay community and while I won't go into detail about the conversation I will say that I'm a straight person and I felt deeply disrespected by the conversation. It hurt some of the things that were said. I guess that it hurt so bad because it made me realize how stupid and evil some people think. How blatantly disrespectful a person can be.
Why though?
What are you trying to achieve?
Why hurt someone like that?
For personal gain? What gain could possibly be worth that put down?
The saying that sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt is just not true at all.

Words hurt, they pierce the skin, they pierce the mind, they break the heart of many people everyday. You can't tell me that Heartbreak isn't painful because I know that it is. I've experienced it...and til this day I'm not over's long lasting pain.

I guess what I'm trying to say is Respect is a necessary in today's world. Some people don't realize the impact that their words make on other. But words no matter how small or big, make impressions on people whether we know it or not. So the smartest thing to do to insure maximum RESPECT is to watch what we say, know what we say, and mean what we say.

Find Peace and Be Blessed,

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